Friday, January 8, 2010

The Secret

" As you learn The Secret, you will come to know how you can have, be or do anything you want. You will come to know who you really are. You will come to know the true magnificence that awaits you in life."
"The Sceret"

Walaupun baru berape page je bace (baru bace sampai page ke 25 kot..) buku ni memang sangat menarik!. Daripada gabungan ahli phycologitst, family, frenz, etc..Rhonda Byrne memberi kita kaedah untuk berfikir daripada biasa kepada luar biasa hebat!

"if you can think about what you want in your mind, and make that your dominant thought, you will bring it into your life"

cube bayangkan anda sedang mendengar lagu di radio, sampai 1 tahap lagu yang kite dengar tu out of head..sakit kepale je dengar lagu tu..then kite tuka channel lain cari lagu yang kite suke.

radio = body channel = fikiran lagu = fizikal

Bila kite x suka akan sesuatu..just tuka je mind kite kepada apa yang kite suke..x perlu merungut n bersedih..itu je! ;-D

..and that principle can be summed up in three simple words.

"thought become things!"

Truly is....
Sebenarnya sy nk cite tentang org yang beri buku ni pada sy..t'excited plak cite psl buku yg bagi buku ni sgt special dlm hidup sy..w'pun bru je brp bulan kenal (5 bln kot) dia sgt memahami sy..baik harap ade hubungan yang lebih istimewa dgn tgu saat tu..siapa tahu..jodoh maut ditangan Tuhan yang Maha mampu berusaha n berdoa..berserah..n nak tau..die bg buku ni time besday sy hari tu 10 december! (wahhh!!!) gembirenye rase!! huhu time tu sy speechless ;") ..sbb sy aim buku ni da lame n tgah kumpul duit je nk bli..n x sgke plak dpt dr die..huhu thank you so much!! saya sayang awak!! oppss~ terlebih sudah..hehe..nk tau sapekah gerangan si dia? emmm...tgu~ nnt sy cerite ye.. ;-D


  1. saya tahu siape kah gerangan nye..huhu

  2. fara...jgn noty2 kt sini..i babap u nnt..ahaii ;-D

  3. hi there.. thanks for the link! :) really appreciate it.

    btw i havent read the secret, but ive read "Quranic Law of Attraction" and its like reading the secret & the law of attaction but in islamic version. hehe.

    try la baca, worth reading. i was (err was or am?) a pessimist and i find the book helpful to change the way i think :)

  4. tenkiu dell for the comment..
    a'ah..memang sy suke link tu. nice je barang die..mane tau sok sy nk kawen leh jd pelanggan tetap..hihi
    tetang bku Quranic Law of Attraction tu memang sy ade prasan kt MPH tempoh hari..insyaAllah sy cube bace buku tu..thank you!! ;-D

  5. wah...mcm menarik jek cite ni...nak tau jugak...:P
